Brandit, Lda Apps

Mourinho Tactical Board Phone
Brandit, Lda
Mourinho Tactical Board for Smartphones.
Scotturb Travel Guide 1.25
Brandit, Lda
This app is specially targeted for Sintra andCascais travelers, featured with exclusive content and with all thehelp you need to travel by bus on these beautiful locations.With this app you will have your own personal travelers guide inyour native language available all the time on yoursmartphone.Know the best bus routes, the best locations and the mostinteresting monuments.Featured with images of the most interesting locations and audioguides in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, German, Italian andPortuguese, this app is a must have for all the travelers thatvisit Cascais and Sintra.
Tactical Basketball 1.0.1
Brandit, Lda
This version is only for tablets with 7" orhigher and a minimum resolution of 1024x600.What is the “Tactical Basketball”?It’s a software that allows us to manage and plan the tacticalstructure of our team and the teams that we are going to playagainst during a complete season.How?This application allows the multiple creation of global tacticalpositions and also the preparation of several set balls for eachgame that we intend to prepare.Taking advantage of the best tools that technology has to offer,we created an application that allows the coaching staff to saveall the information about the team, the players, and the way thatthe team plays, yet also allows us to save all the informationabout our opponents and the way they play. This software canimprove the way that the information is transmitted during thegame, and also how this information is managed after the game.This software is available in 6 languages (English, Spanish,Portuguese, French, Italian and German).
Scouting System Pro Mobile 2.0.13
Brandit, Lda
Scouting System Pro This is the ultimate scouting system forfootball teams. The best way to evaluate football players andmatches. Create your player and match reports, and have yourinformation always available when you need it. Scouting System Promay be accessed from a computer, tablet or smartphone, thusallowing verification and editing of data at any place and any timewith the utmost security. With our unique system of player datamanagement, a scout may create, organize, and consult the data atany moment using a computer, tablet or smartphone. These reportsmay be shared with other users of the software only with theauthorisation of the system’s administrator. All the information inthe database is confidential and belongs solely to the user and/orthe organisation they represent (club/federation/academy/company).This system is truly secure, and prevents any leaks of information.With the advantage of configuring the system in workgroup mode, theprofessional football club may have access to all the data uploadedby the scout in just a few seconds after the observed game.Scouting System Pro is without any doubt an essential software forimproving the quality of the daily work at a professional footballclub.
Mourinho Tactical Board NSCAA 1.0.1
Brandit, Lda
*This version is only for tablets with 7"orhigher.*Recommended resolution of 1024x600 or higher.With this new version, specially developed for NSCAA(NationalSoccer Coaches Association of America’s), it's nowpossible tosetup teams with 5, 7, 9 and 11 players.It's great for all coaches at all stages.This software can improve the way that the informationistransmitted onto the field during the game, and also howthisinformation is managed after the game.
Cal South Scouting System Pro 1.0.9
Brandit, Lda
Cal South Scouting System Pro - Daily data security backup - Usermanagement system (administrator and standard user accounts) Thisis the ultimate scouting system for football teams. The best way toevaluate football players and matches. Create your player and matchreports, and have your information always available when you needit. Cal South Scouting System Pro may be accessed from a computer,tablet or smartphone, thus allowing verification and editing ofdata at any place and any time with the utmost security. With ourunique system of player data management, a scout may create,organize, and consult the data at any moment using a computer,tablet or smartphone. These reports may be shared with other usersof the software only with the authorisation of the system’sadministrator. All the information in the database is confidentialand belongs solely to the user and/or the organisation theyrepresent (club/federation/academy/company). This system is trulysecure, and prevents any leaks of information. With the advantageof configuring the system in workgroup mode, the professionalfootball club may have access to all the data uploaded by the scoutin just a few seconds after the observed game. Cal South ScoutingSystem Pro is without any doubt an essential software for improvingthe quality of the daily work at a professional football club.
My Tactical Soccer 1.1.2
Brandit, Lda
“My Tactical Soccer” is designed to help players and parents keepup with a player’s evolution and performance. Ask your coach for aninvite. With Tactical Boards Soccer parents and players can easilytrack performance, access training and match schedules, trainingsessions, exercises and reports. Tactical Boards Soccer - CREATE,EVALUATE, IMPROVE
Escutismo 1.10
Brandit, Lda
Bem-Vindo ao Albergue de Sonhos, aliás, à versão Beta daquelequeserá o maior albergue de caminheiros e companheiros doCNE.Convidamos-te a entrar nesta jornada, registando atuatribo/companha nesta plataforma. Depois, o que se segue éumacascata de partilha de “Sonhos” que não queremos que fiquem sóporaí, mas que se tornem reais! Já dentro do Albergue, és convidadoajogar fazendo parte de três fases distintas: *SONHAR* ondepodesidealizar um projeto, em conjunto com a tuatribo/companha,formulando um sonho para que outras tribos apoiem erealizem, o quevos dará BitCents. *APOIAR* onde podes apadrinhar ossonhospropostos por outras tribos/companhas, e dessa formatornarpossível que outros os possam realizar, o que vos daráBitCentscada vez que for realizado. *REALIZAR* onde encontrasdesafios àtua medida, e escolhes os que queres tornar realidade,ganhandoBitCents com isso. Até ao início do ano escutista esta APPestá emversão Beta. Neste período tens a oportunidade de contribuirpara oseu melhoramento enviando as tuas sugestõ[email protected] Inscreve-te com atuatribo/companha para que possas acompanhar todas as novidadeseevoluções. Na próxima quinta-feira faz download das FAQs paraterestodo o material necessário para a tua reunião.
Tactical Boards: Soccer 1.5.2
Brandit, Lda
Tactical Soccer helps to develop more effective players andcoaches.
Mourinho Tactical Board Pro
Brandit, Lda
Mourinho Tactical Board Pro
Mourinho Tactical Board Tablet
Brandit, Lda
Mourinho Tactical Board for Tablets